Current measures in place concerning COVID-19 / corona pandemic.
Update on measures in place concerning COVID-19 / corona pandemic.
Please note that decisions and rules change quickly.
For questions please do not hesitate to call us or write to or call us.
Last updated 10 July, 16:00.
- Nationwide state of high alert.
- Borders to/from Russia are closed, with exceptions for certain people (close family members, diplomats, etc). There are no more flights to/from Russia.
- Regions have the right o soften the anti-corona measures as the situation in these regions allows. Responsibility for softening has been transferred from the federal level to the regional level.
- Applications for work permits have been banned in general. However, the Ministry of Internal Affairs confirmed that there will be an opportunity to prolong existing work or business visa as well as work permits for those being already in the country.
- The nationwide “non-working” regime is over as of 12 May. Industrials are allowed to work, those who can are recommended to continue working from home. The change from “non-working” regime to the usual regime may have consequences from a labour law standpoint.
- There have been introduced high financial penalties and criminal liabilities for breaking hygiene rules or other rules connected to the current state of high alert, as well as for spreading “fake news” on corona.
- Russian courts will accept only the most urgent cases and postpone the others
- There is a national quarantine rule; anyone entering from any foreign country is obliged to go under self-quarantine for 14 days. The same applies for people feeling sick.
- Several programmes to support business and physical persons have been launched, both on the federal and on regional level. For details please contact us.
Link to the decision on federal level on travel bans:
Official Russian coronavirus news/info:
- The strict self-isolation regime has been lifted.
- Practically all restrictions removed, under the precondition of keeping distance and, in certain places, wearing masks and gloves
- In public transport, medical institutions, shops & public places, wearing masks and gloves is compulsory.
- Service providers and all businesses an open; distant work is no longer required.
- Schools, universities and other educational institutions have no more limitations.
- Attractions and recreational parks are open but can work with only 50% of visitors’ capacity
- Theatres and cinemas are open as of 01 August 2020 if less than 3000 seats, of which 50% can be occupied
- Sports events can have 10% of max. number of spectators. As of 01 August, this will be increased to 50%.
Links to the latest decree on COVID-19 measures (Russian):
St. Petersburg
- People can leave the house and go to work.
- Most smaller shops are open (up to 400m2)
- Garden restaurants / terrace restaurants are open if they can guarantee social distance and hygiene standards
- Keeping distance of at least 1.5 metres to other people is a must.
- In public, shops, public transport, taxis, it is compulsory to wear masks and gloves, in the streets it is recommended
- Ban of mass events, such as sports events, cultural, entertainment and other, without giving a specific limitation of max. number of people.
- Opening of indoor pools and fitness clubs as of 13 July
- Hair dressers, beauty salons, banyas and certain other services can offer full services as of 13 July
- Personal services providers, such as beauty salons, hair dressers, etc are open but wearing masks and gloves is a must
- Parks are open. Amusements or other park facilities remain mostly closed, sale of alcohol in parks is banned, food can be sold only if it is packaged.
- Zoos are open
- Kindergartens are open for small groups
- Recommendation to have disinfection measures in place during working hours
- It is recommended to call 112 after returning to Russia/the city to let authorities know about the arrival, self-quarantine, and location.
- >65-years-olds, self isolation is recommended
Link to latest decisions on COVID-19:
Overall link to latest decisions of the city of St. Petersburg
Leningrad Region
- personal services are partly allowed to be open, shops as well. There are three different zones with different regimes, Zone red, yellow and green, with Zone red being the strictest and Zone green the most relaxed. In zone green, cinemas are allowed to be open (50% occupancy), museums, libraries, too, with certain restrictions, whereas in Zone red most of these remain restricted. Detailed information see the website of AEB
- non-food shops outside shopping centres have no restrictions (but wearing masks/gloves is mandatory)
- in shopping centres larger than 36,000m2, food stores, pharmacies, mobile phone stores, gardening, furniture, construction materials are allowed to open, if masks are worn. In zones red and yellow there is a maximum of 400m2 per shop space.
- Mass events up to 60 people are possible if masks are worn and social distancing is kept. Indoors, there shall be no more than 50 people in the red zone, 60 in the yellow zone and 80 in the green zone.
Link to Leningrad Region decisions:
What does self-quarantine mean?
According to the hotline of the city of Moscow:
- Not leaving the apartment unless absolutely necessary
- Food and drinks shall be purchased via delivery, either by delivery services or by friends/relatives (avoid contact with the person who delivers)
- If a pet has to be taken to the street, this shall happen only at night when there are few people in the streets. No social contacts with other people allowed.
- Bringing out rubbish shall happen only at night when there are few people in the streets. No social contacts with other people allowed.
- In case of symptoms like high temperature, flu symptoms, coughing, running nose, sore throat, breathing problems, one shall not go to a doctor or hospital. A doctor shall be called home instead. Further steps will be decided by the doctors.
These measures are taken to avoid the danger of spreading the COVID-19 virus.
How can I protect myself from COVID-19?
The most important measures are the following:
- Washing hands regularly, as is always recommended. Washing hands well means having soap well rubbed on both sides of the hands and fingers as well as between the fingers. Washing the hands well should last at least 20 seconds.
- Avoid touching your face
- Disinfect your mobile phone, keyboard, mouse.
- Disinfect other surfaces touched by many people.
- Keep a distance to people wherever you are. 1.5 to 2 metres are recommended. Or stay at home at all if it is possible.
- Do not hand-shake or kiss people for greeting
- Avoid public meetings and gatherings with lots of people.
- Wearing masks: this measure mostly helps avoiding spreading viruses from those infected than avoiding to actually get infected. The benefit of wearing masks to those who have no symptoms or are not infected is not clear but recommended.
Why are the measures important?
- In a pandemic situation, the spreading of the virus can hardly be stopped. It can, however, be slowed down, which means the number of infected people will not increase as quickly as it would without taking measures. This means that the health system will not be faced with the same flood of patients all at the same time, which would mean the system would be massively overloaded and could collapse.
- By taking the measures, we shall protect the weaker ones among us, elder people or people with a weak immunity. They are the ones most endangered by the current pandemic.
- By following the rules set in place, we can slow down the spreading and shorten the time of such extraordinary measures being in place. The more people follow the recommendations, the faster we will be able to get back to normal.