Main changes in the labour legislation in 2024
Increase of minimal wage
Since January 1, 2024, the minimum wage has been increased. It is now 19,242 rubles per month. In Moscow, the minimum wage has been set at 29,389 rubles, in St. Petersburg 25,000 rubles.
Federal Law from 27.11.2023 № 548-FZ
Child care allowance for children aged up to 1.5 years is paid while engaging in labour activity
Starting from January 1, 2024, employees retain the right to receive child care benefits for children aged up to 1.5 years old. This allowance retains not only when an employee works part-time day but also full-time day and while working for another employer. In this case, the monthly allowance is maintained for mothers and other relatives on child care leave alike
Federal Law from 19.12.2023 № 614-FZ
Federal Law from 19.12.2023 № 620-FZ
Changes in special assessment of working conditions
From September 1, 2024, conditions of handling the special assessment will come into force. The changes refer to risk factors, instructions and new methods of assessment.
In small business enterprises special assessment of working places can be conducted under a simplified system without involvement of accredited organizations. For other companies, special assessment can be carried out by an expert remotely, in the absence of dangerous factors in the workplace.
The RF Ministry of Labour Order from 21.11.2023 № 817n
The RF Ministry of Labour Order from 31.10.2022 № 699n
Federal Law from 28.12.2013 № 426-FZ
Unscheduled inspections of organisations (employers)
The moratorium on unscheduled inspections of employers remains for 2024. Monitoring is carried out only in the presence of exceptional circumstances.
However, on January 8, the list of grounds for unscheduled inspections of employers has been updated. Now, the reason for such inspection will be a reduction in the average wage below the minimum wage, and a reduction of social fund contributions by 50% or more in the absence of personnel changes during the quarter.
RF Government Decree from 14.12.2023 № 2140
The RF Ministry of Labour Order from 28.11.2023 № 836n
Employment of foreigners
A new application form of hiring highly qualified specialists came into force in January 2024. The new form requires more detailed information in comparison to the previous one. The updated form you may find following the link below.
The RF Ministry of Internal Affairs Order from 06.10.2023 № 751
Reporting to the Employment Service
Now, employers are obliged to report about staff reductions, bankruptcy, liquidation of an organization, and changes or cancellations of such events. To inform the Employment Service it is necessary to use the “Rabota v Rossii” platform and/or Russian Portal of Government Services.
Federal Law from 12.12.2023 № 565-FZ
Military service
Starting from January 1, the age limit for conscription has been increased to 30 years. At the same time, the age for obtaining a deferral from conscription for IT specialists has also been increased to 30 years.
An amendment was made to the Labour Code, giving additional guarantees to the volunteers of the Russian internal Army. So, it is necessary to suspend an employment contract with an employee if he has voluntarily left to serve in the Russian internal Army. Also, employees with underage children whose other parent is a volunteer retain the preferential right to maintain employment relations in case of reduction.
Federal Law from 04.08.2023 № 439-FZ
Decree of the RF President from 04.09.2023 № 660
Federal Law from 25.12.2023 № 642-FZ
Hiring subsidy program
Subsidies for the employment of unemployed citizens continue in 2024 and they compensate labor costs of some categories of hired workers in the amount of 3 minimum wages. Now, the program is expanded, and companies where the founder is a disabled person and those with disabled sole proprietors are able to use it. For them a subsidy of six minimum wages will be provided for the employment of unemployed disabled people.
RF Government Decree from 11.12.2023 № 2109